

发布日期:2020-06-19 浏览量:











2005年12月—至今,中国农业科学院 硕士研究生导师

2017年1月—至今,中国农业科学院 博士研究生导师

2014年01月—2019年06月,中国农业科学院 药用植物栽培团队首席科学家










1. 国家现代农业中药材产业体系土肥水岗位科学家项目农业农村部70万元/年,主持。

2. 中国农业科学院科技创新药用植物栽培团队项目资金,农业农村部,1080万元,主持2014.01-2019.12

3. 中国农业科学院与山东农科院院院协同创新项目中国农科院125万元,主持(2018-2020)

4. 中国农业科学院“农产品营养品质评价与调控”协同创新项目中国农科院200万,主持(2019-2022)

5. 国家重点研发计划“特色经济作物化肥农药减施技术集成研究与示范”子课题“黄芪化肥农药减施技术集成研究与示范”,科技部重点研发,60万元,子课题主持人2018-2020

6. 中央本级重大增减支项目——人参锈腐病发生及防治机制研究中国中医科学院30万元,主持2018-2020

7. 中国农业科学院成都中心项目—四川西洋参引种栽培关键技术研究,中国农业科学院基本科研业务费35万元,主持2019

8. 国家科技成果转化项目—林下人参西洋参生产关键技术研究与示范,科技部成果转化项目,60万元,主持2014-2016




[1] . Hai Sun, Qiuxia Wang, Linlin Zhang, Ning Liu, Zhengbo Liu, Lin Lv, Cai Shao, Yiming Guan, Lin Ma, Meijia Li, Qiao Jin, Xiangxi Zuo, Yayu Zhang

Distinct leaf litter drive the fungal communities in Panax ginseng-growing soil, Ecological Indicators, 2019, (104):184-194.

[2] . Hai Sun, Qiu-xia Wang,Ning Liu, Le Li, Chun-ge Zhang, Zheng-bo Liu, Ya-yu Zhang*Effects of different leaf litters on the physicochemical properties and bacterial communities in Panax ginseng-growing soil, Applied Soil Ecology, (111):17-24.

[3] . Qiuxia Wang, Hai Sun, Chenglu Xu, Lin Ma, Meijia Li, Cai Shao, Yiming Guan, Ning Liu, Zhengbo Liu, Shuna Zhang, Linlin Zhang, Yayu ZhangAnalysis of rhizosphere bacterial and fungal communities associated with rusty root disease of Panax ginseng. 2019. Applied Soil Ecology, 138:245-252.

[4] . Yi Ming Guan, Jin Chao Deng, Ying Ying Ma, Yu Li, and Ya Yu Zhang Seed-Associated Fungal Diversity and the Molecular Identification of Fusarium with Potential Threat to Ginseng (Panax ginseng) in China, Plant Disease, Published(online): 18 Dec 2019. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-19-1817-RE

[5]  Y . M . Guan, Z. B. Liu, M. J. Li, Q. X. Wang, and Y. Y. Zhang,†

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[6] .Y. M. Guan, L. J. Wu, Y. J. Wei, and Y. Y. ZhangFirst Report of Colletotrichum dematium Causing Anthracnose on Lycopus lucidus in Northeastern China,Plant Disease, Plant Disease, Vol. 100, No. 12, December 2016,P2535;https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-12-15-1480-PDN;

[7] . Y. M. Guan, N. S. Zhang, and Y. Y. Zhang,

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[8].Y. M. Guan, Y. J. Wei, L. L. Cui, and Y. Y. Zhang,First Report of Gentiana scabra Root Rot Caused by Fusarium commune in China, Plant Disease, Vol. 100, No. 6 June 2016,1234页;doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-11-15-1264-PDN;

[9]. QIUXIA WANG, HAI SUN, LIN MA, MEIJIA LI, YING WANG AND YAYU ZHANG* Alleviation of iron (Fe2+) toxicity in ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer) roots and leaves by calcium application in hydroponics culture. 2018. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 47(3): 649-655, (September) Special.

[10] . Q X Wang1 , C L Xu1 , H Sun1 , L Ma1 , L Li1 , D D Zhang1 and Y Y Zhang1,2 

Analysis of the relationship between rusty root incidences and soil properties in Panax ginseng. 2016. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 41: 012001.

[11] . Yayu Zhang, Qiuxia Wang, Chenglu Xu, Hai Sun, Jingkuan Wang & Le Li

Iron (Fe2+)-induced toxicity produces morphological and physiological changes in roots in Panax ginseng grown in hydroponics. 2016. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 98(5-6):630-637.

[12] . Meijia Li, Qiuxia Wang, Hai Sun and Yayu Zhang*First report of Leaf spot caused by Alternaria alternata on ginseng (Panax ginseng) in China. Plant Disease. Online. 10.1094/PDIS-09-19-1897-PDN.

[13] . Meijia Li, Qiuxia Wang, Zhengbo Liu, Xiaoxi Pan and Yayu Zhang*

Silicon application and related changes in soil bacterial community dynamics reduced ginseng black spot incidence in Panax ginseng in a short-term study. BMC microbiology. 19: 263-265.

[14] . Meijia Li, Yiming Guan, Ning Liu, Cai Shao, Zhengbo Liu, Jianbo Chen, Qiuxia Wang, Xiaoxi Pan, Hai Sun and Yayu Zhang*Brain Concentration of Ginsenosides and Pharmacokinetics after Oral Administration of Mountain-cultivated Ginseng. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society. 64:395-403.

[15] .C.Shao,J.Y.Liu, S.N.Zhang And Y.Y.Zhang*, Bioassay of endogenous germination inhibitors in Trillium kamtschaticum seed. Seed Sci. & Technol, 2016, 44, 224-232.

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[17] . 环境因素对黄芪产量和品质的影响[J].特产研究,2019,41(03):118-122.

[18] . 不同树叶凋落物对人参土壤理化性质及微生物群落结构的影响[J].生态学报,2018,38(10):3603-3615.

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[20] . 不同生长模式下人参土壤微生物群落结构研究[J].东北农业大学学报,2016,47(02):16-23.

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[1] 全自动人参移栽机,实用新型,ZL201821124961.3,第1完成人

[2] 黑附球菌及其应用,发明专利,授权号ZL201610850477.8, 第4完成

[3] 一种预防人参红皮病的土壤调理剂及其使用方法,发明专利,授权号ZL201610051009.4,第2发明人;

[4]  一种植物基因组DNA提取方法发明专利,发明专利,授权号ZL 2016 1 0388823.5,第2发明人;

[5] . 一种人参水培组件和人参水培装置, 实用新型, 授权号ZL201720659015.8,2发明人