
李翔 教授

发布日期:2015-06-19 浏览量:



单 位:成都大学药学与生物工程学院

College of Pharmacy and Biological Engineering. Chengdu University 

通讯地址: 成都市外东成洛大道2205号

Address: Outer east Chengluo Road 2205#.610106. Chengdu City. Sichuan Province.China 





Prof.Dr.Li Xiang, Master tutor. graduated from Sichuan University with a doctor degree in food biotechnology. Visiting scholar, University of Bonn, Germany. Deputy director, food department, Chengdu food and drug administration.



- 中国物流与采购联合会冷链物流标准委员会委员;

- 成都市科技顾问团评审专家;


Major academic Part-time job --

Commissioner of standard committee, of China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing, CFLP.http://www.chinawuliu.com.cn/

Reviewer of Chengdu Municipal Advisory Council of Science and technology. http://www.cdasp.org/

Project leader of innovation team of Sichuan Education Department. http://www.scedu.net/ 




Main research fields --

Food safety and quality control, cold chain logistics management of agricultural products. 




Main research and teaching situation --

- China's science and technology spark plan Project:  No 2012GA810011

- Sichuan technology department youth fund  Project : No 09ZQ026-055, No 2015JY0087;

- Sichuan Education Department Innovation team project:  No 16TD0036

- Sichuan provincial development and Reform Commission Agricultural special fund  “Study on the pattern of poverty alleviation and relocation in the new era”.ZH2016017

- Chengdu university science and technology fund project: No 2008ZJX112;

- Chengdu science and technology bureau projects.   No 11DXYB046NC027, No 12DXYB17JH002. No 12GGYBb487NC001, No 2015Ny0100013NC. 2018-YF05-00501-SN,2019-GH02-00042-HZ,2019-YF05-00117-SN,2019-YF09-00061-SN

-  Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Chengdu “Climate Fund 2016”-project on adavanced and sustainable organic farming .2016.

-  Technologie Transfer Zentrum (TTZ)Bremerhaven of Germany “2016 Project of Environmental Technologies in Textile Industry Production Countries .2016. 



1. 2014.10.22.组织第二届中欧现代农业暨中德食品安全论坛。(德意志学术交流中心DAAD主办,欧盟项目中心EUPIC与成都大学联合承办),成都。

2.2016.10.31. 组织2016联合国气候基金中德生态农业论坛(德国驻成都总领事馆与德国北威州联合主办,成都大学与西部博览事务局联合承办),成都。

Organized Forum --

1. Sino European Forum on modern agriculture and Sino German Symposium on food safety and Animal & plant protection. In Chengdu. Oct.2014. Cooperation with DAAD and EUPIC( EU Project Innovation Center)

2. 2016 Sino-German Ecological Agriculture Forum - Subforum of 16th Western China International Fair. In Chengdu.Oct.2016. Cooperation with Consulate General of Germany in Chengdu and Ministry of Agriculture.NRW.Germany.